Welcome to Literaturenubd.blogspot.com: The Resource Center for English Literature's Student of National University Bangladesh..

The intention of the blog is to aid students of English literature especially of National University of Bangladesh, by gathering resources included or related to Four year English honours course. Due to my limitation of time and lack of web development knowledge, the blog has not yet attain a reasonable shape. I am still working on it. Your suggestion will encourage me to continue my effort.

Main Text of ‘Games at Twilight by Anita Desai’

Friction: Short story ‘Games at Twilight’ by Anita Desai. This is one of the stories included in friction category in the syllabus of Department of English, National University of Bangladesh. The story is given below: Games at Twilight It was still too hot to play outdoors. They had had their tea. They had been washed and had their hair brushed, and after the long day of confinement in the house that was not cool but at least a protection from the sun, the children strained to get out. Their faces were red and bloated with the...

Kishorganj (My Birthplace) by Nirad C. Chaudhuri for First year, Department of English, National University, Bangldesh

Non Friction: Kishorganj (My Birthplace) by Nirad C. Chaudhuri Nirad Chandra Chauduri  Kishorganj (My birthplace is a Non-friction short story form Nirad C. Chaudhuri's Autobiography of an Unknown Indian. The author describes his birthplace in this short story very precisely. Bangla version of this short story could be availed from here (Note that: The original text was written in English and bangla translation is made) ...