Welcome to Literaturenubd.blogspot.com: The Resource Center for English Literature's Student of National University Bangladesh..

The intention of the blog is to aid students of English literature especially of National University of Bangladesh, by gathering resources included or related to Four year English honours course. Due to my limitation of time and lack of web development knowledge, the blog has not yet attain a reasonable shape. I am still working on it. Your suggestion will encourage me to continue my effort.

Overview First Year of English Literature under National University

First year is the beginning of 4 years long, 120 credit BA (honours) course of English Literature. From this 120 credit, only 24 credits are studied in First Year. There are 6 courses included in this year: each of 100 marks and worth 4 credits (total 600 marks and 24 credits). Among these 6 courses, 4 are directly related to English literature or English Language; they are Introduction to Poetry, Introduction to Prose, English Reading Skill, and English Writing Skill. These courses are familiarly known as ‘Main’ course. And the other 2, Political...

First Year English (Hons.) Syllabus (Effective from session 2009-10) for Department of English, National University, Bangladesh

First year syllabus is widely available in web. Then why I posted it in my blog again? First reason is the blog is about English literature of Dept. of English of national university, so i posted it to make it more easily available. And the second reason is National University’s official website doesn’t supply any in-page syllabus that could be viewed without downloading thereby If anyone wish to see what is included in First years honours course of Dept. of English, They must download the whole syllabus in pdf format. So here I’m posting the...